Fundación Misiones de Amor

NIT 901.754.658

The FUNDACIÓN MISIONES DE AMOR, in compliance with current regulations regarding the Special Tax Regime, invites you to consult the following information:

The Mission of Love Foundation frames its social purpose in the following meritorious activities described in Law 1819 of December 29, 2016, in Article 152, which modifies Article 359 of the Tax Statute:

  • Supporting the promotion and realization of Human Rights for vulnerable communities, with the aim of enhancing their capabilities and addressing their needs.
  • Managing actions that lead to the social, economic, and political empowerment of vulnerable communities aimed at building a community-based and transformative fabric.
  • Articulating public, private, and international cooperation actions that allow for the generation of sustainable solutions to the diverse needs and issues of vulnerable communities.

Articles of Incorporation Fundación Misiones de Amor.

Acta de constitución

Minutes of the General Assembly or highest governing body approving the distribution of net profit or surplus for the respective taxable year, if applicable.

Copy of the minutes of the General Assembly or highest governing body authorizing the legal representative to request that the entity remain or be classified as a Special Tax Regime entity for Income Tax purposes.

Acta de Asamblea

“Certification of Requirements for the Legal Representative or Auditor, demonstrating compliance with all requirements during the respective year.”. (Item 13, paragraph 2, art 364-5 E.T.)

Certificado cumplimiento requisitos

Certificate of Existence and Legal Representation

Certificate of Existence and Legal Representation issued by the competent authority, listing its administrators, representatives, and members of the board or governing body when applicable.

Certificado de Existencia y Representación Legal

Certification from the Legal Representative of the judicial backgrounds and declaration of expiration of state contracts for the board members, founders, legal representatives, or members of the governing bodies in accordance with Item 3 art 364-3 E.T.

Antecedentes judiciales y Declaración caducidad contratos